Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Labs

Inria Chile

Associate Team involved in the International Lab:

  • Title: hARnessing MAssive DAta flows

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria (Chile) - Department of Computer Science (Department of Comput) - Xavier Bonnaire

  • Start year: 2014

  • See also: http://web.inria-armada.org

  • The ARMADA project aims at designing and implementing a reliable framework for the management and processing of massive dynamic dataflows. The project is two-pronged: fault-tolerant middleware support for processing massive continuous input, and a redundant storage service for mutable data on a massive scale.

Participation in Other International Programs

  • Title: Autonomic and Scalable Algorithms for Building Resilient Distributed Systems

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • Universida de Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Brazil, Prof. Elias Duarte

  • Duration: 2015–2017

  • In the context of autonomic computing systems that detect and diagnose problems, self-adapting themselves, the VCube (Virtual Cube), proposed by Prof. Elias Duarte , is a distributed diagnosis algorithm that organizes the system nodes on a virtual hypercube topology. VCube has logarithmic properties: when all nodes are fault-free, processes are virtually connected to form a perfect hypercube; as soon as one or more failures are detected, links are automatically reconnected to remove the faulty nodes and the resulting topology, connecting only fault-free nodes, keeps the logarithmic properties. The goal of this project is to exploit the autonomic and logarithmic properties of the VCube by proposing self-adapting and self-configurable services.

  • Title: CHOOSING - Cooperation on Hybrid cOmputing clOuds for energy SavING

  • French Partners: Paris XI (LRI), Regal, LIG, SUPELEC

  • International Partners (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • Universidade de São Paulo - Instituto de Matemática e Estatística - Brazil, Unicamp - Instituto de Computação - Brazil

  • Duration: 2014–2018

  • The cloud computing is an important factor for environmentally sustainable development. If, in the one hand, the increasing demand of users drive the creation of large datacenters, in the other hand, cloud computing's “multitenancy” trait allows the reduction of physical hardware and, therefore, the saving of energy. Thus, it is imperative to optimize the energy consumption corresponding to the datacenter's activities. Three elements are crucial on energy consumption of a cloud platform: computation (processing), storage and network infrastructure. Therefore, the aim of this project is to provide different techniques to reduce energy consumption regarding these three elements. Our work mainly focuses on energy saving aspects based on virtualization, i.e., pursuing the idea of the intensive migration of classical storage/processing systems to virtual ones. We will study how different organizations (whose resources are combined as hybrid clouds) can cooperate with each other in order to minimize the energy consumption without the detriment of client requirements or quality of service. Then, we intend to propose efficient algorithmic solutions and design new coordination mechanisms that incentive cloud providers to collaborate.

Spanish research ministry project
  • Title: BFT-DYNASTIE - Byzantine Fault Tolerance: Dynamic Adaptive Services for Partitionable Systems

  • French Partners: Labri, Irisa, LIP6

  • International Partners (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • University of the Basque Country UPV - Spain, EPFL - LSD - Switzerland, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurenberg - Deutschland, University of Sydney - Australia

  • Duration: 2017–2019

  • The project BFT-DYNASTIE is aimed at extending the model based on the alternation of periods of stable and unstable behavior to all aspects of fault-tolerant distributed systems, including synchrony models, process and communication channel failure models, system membership, node mobility, and network partitioning. The two main and new challenges of this project are: the consideration of the most general and complex to address failure model, known as Byzantine, arbitrary or malicious, which requires qualified majorities and the use of techniques form the security area; and the operation of the system in partitioned mode, which requires adequate reconciliation mechanisms when two partitions merge.